Broker Check


| July 23, 2022



Wow…this has been a pretty volatile year for our stock AND bond markets! Our readers know that I don’t typically use this media to wax philosophical on the markets or on specific investment strategies, but I thought that it might be good to address the “elephant in the room” with a quick survey.


Part of the work we do for those we’re privileged to serve is read and study a number of different economists and managers. This provides different perspectives, different philosophies, and different approaches that allow us to do our best work. Most of the time, this allows us to address the specific concerns a client may have about the volatility of the markets and the impact that may have on their personal plan.


However, it dawned on me that some folks might find value in us sharing more consistently some of the information we’re following…which brings me to my quick survey. If you’d be so kind as to simply hit “Reply” with your number to the corresponding response, it’ll help us craft our future communication to align with what might be of value to our readers.


  1. I’m looking to hear directly from the economists and investment strategists that oversee my accounts or that you feel are valuable to me.
  2. I’d like you to send emails with weekly commentary, financial data, or economic perspectives so I can stay up to speed on things that really matter in those areas.
  3. I prefer to have a monthly economic and markets update that will help me sort through all of the noise and conflicting media.
  4. A quarterly economic and market summary is sufficient for me.
  5. I don’t need any additional communication on these topics and will plan to chat with you about them during our typical meetings.


While we pay attention to a lot of different sources, we acknowledge that we could communicate that better and more consistently to those who have interest. Thanks so much, in advance, for replying to this quick survey and make it a great week!


Scott Cousino, CFP®, CEPA®
